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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!

Dolphins - Y1

Welcome to Dolphins



In Dazzling Dolphins we follow the Golden Rules and always try our hardest. 




Our teacher is Miss Somers.

Our teaching assistants our Mrs Baines and Miss Burton






PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Both our session are with Express coaching this term. On Tuesdays we will be practising traveling and passing with the ball in games. On Wednesday we will be practising traveling and landing in gymnastics. Please can Dolphins come to school in their PE kit on these days.


Our PE kit is -


                •Plain white t-shirt

                •Shorts / plain black joggers in winter

                •Plain black jumpers in winter

                •Suitable trainers or gripper socks can be worn in the hall






Helping your child learn


During the week your child's work will be on Seesaw. Talking to your child about their learning at school helps improve their vocabulary and embeds their learning. Any activities on Seesaw are to be completed in school unless it say homework.




Dolphins will bring 2 reading books home. Reading at home helps build on the skills they are learning in school. Could you please read with your child at least 3 times a week and record it in their red reading record. Any books/magazines read at home can be recorded in their reading records too. 



Bug Club


As a school we subscribe to Bug Club an online reading scheme. Your child will have their own login where they can access books at their ability. Click on the link below.

School Awards
