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INSET DAY Friday 14th February, Half Term 17-21 February - Children return to school Monday 24th February

End of Key Stage 1

End of Key Stage 1 Master of Technology

Our end of Key Stage 1 Masters of Technology, recognise and identify technology in school and beyond and understand how to use it safely and responsibly, keeping personal information private and knowing where to seek help if they have worries.  They select suitable applications to create media: choosing appropriate tools to create art; capturing and editing digital photographs for different purposes; creating and formatting text and using digital technology as a tool to explore rhythms and melodies. Furthermore, our children can make comparisons when working non-digitally. Our technologists, will be confident when grouping data, exploring object labels, and using them to group by properties. By the end of year 2, our children will be skilled in collecting, organising and presenting data using pictograms.  Programming is an integral part of our computing provision. Our end of Key Stage 1 Masters of Technology, design, create and debug programs using logical reasoning to make predictions. They use events to trigger sequences of code making quizzes and moving characters to tell a story.

School Awards
