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INSET day Friday 18th October - Children return to school on Monday 4th November

Giraffes - Y3

Welcome to Giraffes.


We are the Great Giraffes!

This year we are going to be learning lots of new and interesting things, if you want to find out about some of them keep reading below and look on our Seesaw page for updates too.

Our Great Giraffes are safe and kind, follow the Golden Rules and work really hard.



Mr Matthews is our class Teacher.

Mrs Watson is our Teaching Assistant.
Mrs Allam is our Learning Support Assistant.

Mrs Ratcliffe works with us on some Wednesday afternoons and Mrs Hawkins on Tuesday mornings.


Mr Matthews can be contacted at: 




Here are a few notices you will need for your child in Giraffes.

The main door to Giraffes opens at 8:40am. The school day begins at 8:50am and finishes at 3:20 pm.

Please send your child to school in their (weather appropriate) outdoor P.E kit on Wednesdays and indoor PE kits (with grippy socks if needed) on Thursdays. Earrings will need to be covered or removed for these lessons.

Please read with your child 3 times or more each week as per our 'Home-school agreement' and sign their Reading Record, they will be rewarded Star Stamps for this.

Homework will be set each Friday on Seesaw, please ensure this is sent back before 9am the following Friday.

Spellings will be given on EdShed and in your child's Reading Record ready for the spelling quiz held each Friday.

School water bottles should be in school each day - please fill these at home.

Keep your eyes peeled on Giraffes' class window for updates and further notices.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and talk to the adults who work in the class.

Summer Term 2024


Our writing learning will continue to follow the ‘Pathways to write’ scheme and this term our 2 focus texts will be ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker and ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’ by Dianne Hofmeyr.
In Summer 1, our learning will be leading up to writing our own adventure story based on ‘Journey’ using the language of Berlie Doherty’s text ‘Tilly Mint Tales’. We will learn how to:
Use the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense; Use prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs to express time, place and cause; Group related ideas into paragraphs; Use a or an according to whether the next word begins with a vowel or a consonant; Use small details to describe characters;  Include a setting to create atmosphere; Sequence of events to follow the structure of the model story; Write an opening paragraph and further paragraphs for each stage; Create dialogue between characters that shows their relationship with each other; Use 3rd person consistently and use tenses appropriately.
In Summer 2, our learning will be leading up to writing a persuasive guide for visiting Zeraffa at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. We will learn how to:
Build an increasing range of sentence structures; In non-narrative material, use simple organisational devices including headings and sub-headings to aid presentation; Use present and past tenses correctly and consistently including the progressive and present perfect form; Use persuasive language e.g. alliteration, repetition; Write in logical order; Use 2nd person or 3rd person to talk directly to the reader and select organisational features e.g. opening statement, sub-headings.





Throughout the year, we will be reading a variety of different texts to help us foster a love of reading.

We will be reading a class book as well as having reading lessons.  Our reading will continue to follow the Grammarsaurus: Comprehension Crusher scheme and will begin in Summer 1 with reading non-fiction texts about the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. We will then learn about explanation texts and connect our History and Science learning by reading about mummification and the seasons.



The class stories we have read for pleasure so far are  "Dave Pigeon books 1 and 2' by Swapna Haddow, 'The Christmas Pig' by J.K Rowling and 'Charlie changes into a chicken' by Sam Copeland. We are currently reading 'Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by JK Rowling'.




Giraffes will be learning all about the following spelling rules:

In the first half term, Year 3 will be learning about words with the suffix ‘er’; words where the digraph ‘ch’ makes a /k/ sound; words ending in ‘-gue’ and ‘-que’; words where the digraph ‘sc’ makes a /s/ sound and words that are homophones. In the second half term, our spelling learning will focus on challenge words (words with irregular spelling patterns) and then revision of the spelling rules covered throughout.

To help us with these spelling rules, some of us will also be taking part in a phonics intervention to help boost our confidence when spelling words.

A spelling quiz will take place weekly on the words we have learnt. 


In the Summer Term, Year 3 will continue to develop our knowledge and understanding of Fractions including how to add and subtract unit and non-unit fractions. We will then learn about measurements focussing on money including converting between pounds and pence and how to add and subtract. We will then learn about time including telling the time, reading the time on a digital clock and units of time. Following this, we will learn about shape in Geometry including angles and 2D and 3D shape properties and finally statistics where we will focus on understanding and using pictograms, bar charts and 2-way tables.




Our Science learning in the Summer Term will be ‘Flowering plants and plant growth’ in Summer 1, followed by ‘The life cycle of flowering plants’ in Summer 2. In the first half term, Year 3 will learn about the role function of leaves, stems, roots, the parts of a flowering plant and why plants need space to grow successfully. In the second half term we will know what pollination is and the different ways this can occur as well as different methods of seed dispersal in plants, fruits and vegetables.





As our Summer Term topic is ‘Ancient Egypt: What made it so successful?’, our History learning will be an important part of this term. We will begin by finding out the answer to the question ‘How did Early Egypt begin and what was it like there?’ before moving on to knowing more about the ‘Old Kingdom’ including beliefs in Ancient gods and the afterlife, the role of the pyramids and significant changes as a result of the transition to the New Kingdom.

We will learn about the historical theme of 'Power' and the substantive concepts of civilisation, trade, settlement, empire monarchy and rebellion. The historical skills we will continue to develop are chronology, evidence and interpretation, historical significance, cause and consequence and similarity and difference.













In RSHE, Year 3 will continue to link our ‘Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds’ learning whilst developing our knowledge of how to make healthy choices and dealing with feelings. In our equality and inclusion learning, we will be exploring the topic of including everyone and know that there is a protected characteristic of sexual orientation. As always, we will continue to learn about online safety and will become knowledgeable about the ways technology can be used to sadly bully others and strategies to address this.


Geography in the Summer Term will be based on the topic of ‘The conservation of bees’. We will learn about the importance of bees nationally and within our school environment. We will undertake fieldwork to investigate conservation strategies and record our findings as geographers



In Art, our artist focus will be Georges Seurat. We will find out more about who he was and explore his style of art before learning more about the pointillism style whilst developing our skills of using different colours, shading and how other effects can be created.




In computing, upon completion of our Computer systems and networks learning, Year 3 will be learning about events and actions in programming, including how to fix bugs and adapt a programme to a new context. In Summer 2, we will be learning about stop frame animations as part of our ‘Creating Media’ topic. We will know what an animation is, plan an animation and create this before reviewing and evaluating it.





Year 3 will be exploring the topic of Inspirational People From The Past. As part of our RE lessons we will be building upon our knowledge of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. We will learn about:  who Abraham was, Moses and The Ten Commandments, The 10 Plagues and the miracles of Jesus and how Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed are inspirational people. We will learn to understand differences and similarities within a variety of religions and will discuss our thoughts and feelings around religion in sensitive manner.



Our music lessons will see us exploring the structure of songs, the patterns within songs and improvising using our voices and instruments. During the topic Enjoying Improvisation, we will be learning and performing songs such as ‘He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands’and Panda Extravaganza. Opening Night will see us learning the songs, ‘Michael Row The Boat’ and ‘The Dragon Song.’ Keep your eyes peeled on Seesaw for videos of our progress.


We are very lucky to have a wide variety of sports coaches who deliver exciting and interesting P.E lessons.

In the first half of the Summer Term, Giraffes will be developing our skills and knowledge in striking and fielding games. We will also be learning dance with our specialist dance coach.

In Summer 2, we will be be learning about the use of shape in gymnastics as well as preparing for and taking part in an intra-school competition for Sports Day!


During the Summer Term, Year 3 will be continuing to build upon our French vocabulary. The two topic areas we shall be covering are: Les Instruments (Instruments) and Je Peux (I am able).  By the end of the topic Les Instruments we will have learnt the names of ten instruments, explored the determiners- ‘a’ and ‘the’ and placed these Wonderful Words into sentences in French. At the end of Je Peux (I am able) we will be able to identify ten infinitive verbs and say whether we like or dislike the verb and write these in the written form.


More information to follow!

School Awards
