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INSET DAY Friday 14th February, Half Term 17-21 February - Children return to school Monday 24th February


Our curriculum is taught twice weekly based around the three pillars of PE. We split these pillars into themes which are Motor Competence, Strategies and Tactics and Healthy Participation. This ensures declarative and procedural knowledge can be visited, recapped, and built upon to deepen understanding and challenge our learners. The curriculum is organised using a progressive approach. This enables our lessons to be designed for the needs of our children. It also allows for greater flexibility with cross curricular projects, e.g. cultural and historical dances.  Employing cross-curricular links motivates pupils and supports them to make connections and know more and remember more. ‘Creating Connections’ is one of our curriculum drivers.  

PE within EYFS supports all areas of development such as confidence, moving energetically and development of fine and gross motor skills.   

Children develop their understanding and skills through a range of physical activities and sports.  Through the PE grant funding we have invested in experienced sports coaches to provide high quality lessons and expert subject knowledge which in turn raises confidence of school staff, when leading PE lessons.  

Our lessons begin with a sharing of the learning objective and a warmup. This then leads into a skills zone followed by a game zone / application of new skill. Lessons are concluded with a cool down accompanied by a debrief. Our curriculum driver ‘Healthy bodies, healthy minds’ is interwoven in all PE lessons and the vital sports values are actively encouraged by all. 

Assessment is formative within lessons with the coach and teacher addressing misconceptions and providing immediate feedback. This also allows for lessons to be adapted so all children are supported and challenged. There is a high volume of modelling and scaffolding to support all learners. We celebrate our work by evidencing coverage through photos and videos on Seesaw at the end of each unit. Additionally, outside achievements are celebrated in the newsletter, on display and in celebration assembly. Sports leaders promote positive attitudes towards PE and extend their love of PE and Sport outside on the playground too. 

The curriculum is supported and works hand in hand with the Primary PE and Sport Premium Grant that is received on a yearly basis (see document).  

** 30 Active minutes is also embedded on a daily basis through movement breaks and physical challenges.  

School Awards
