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INSET day Friday 18th October - Children return to school on Monday 4th November


The impact of our Reading curriculum should be seen in the outcomes achieved when our pupils complete their Crescent journey at the end of Key Stage 2. The Impact of our Phonics & Word reading curriculum, alongside this Reading curriculum, should also be seen in the progress pupils make from when they join the school (for many pupils this will be in Nursery and Foundation Stage) at statutory assessment points such as the Year 1 Phonics screening check and the non-statutory KS1 SATs. A diagnostic assessment tool is used to identify if pupils require support in word reading, fluency or comprehension and intervention is put in place as required. For pupils identified as needing further support with their decoding and word reading, teaching staff will make regular Phonics assessments using ‘Phonics Tracker’ (including for any Year 2 & KS2 pupils who are still struggling to decode). 60 pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 take part in the ‘Lexia’ reading intervention which identifies gaps in reading ability and provides specific tasks to address this as a result. “Bugclub” assessments for the majority of pupils in KS2 as a tool to assess pupils Reading and move on to the next book band. Termly standardised summative assessments are used to inform teacher judgements. The impact of our Reading curriculum should be seen in pupils’ reading work, which is recorded in specific Reading books in years 2-6. Ultimately, pupils’ reading ability, and how they articulate their enjoyment of reading and the written word will best show the impact of our Reading curriculum. Furthermore, the impact of our Reading curriculum should be evident across our whole school curriculum (‘Creating connections’), for example in the range of vocabulary used in pupils’ writing (‘Wonderful words’) or in their ability to accurately read and comprehend passages of text in a History lesson. We also look for evidence through reviewing pupil’s knowledge and skills digitally through Seesaw, observing learning and pupil voice. A monitoring and triangulation timetable is in place to identify and rectify any issues that arise to ensure that the children receive the most effective provision. 

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