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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!

Meerkats - Y4


We are the Marvellous Meerkats!



Our teachers are Miss Bacon (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Ratcliffe (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). Our wonderful teaching assistant is Miss Watson and Mr Campbell-Short is our learning support worker.




Our History this term is all about the Romans. Our topic question this term is: 'How did the Roman Empire impact Britain?' We will be learning when and where the Roman Empire was, who was in charge, the Roman invasion of Britain, how Britain changed under Roman rule, Boudicca and how the Roman Empire ended in Britain. To bring our learning to life, we are having a Roman Day in June, where an outside provider is coming into school so we can experience life in the Roman Army and in Roman Britain.



In our writing lessons, our work in the first half term is based around the picture book Where the Forest Meets the Sea and the text Jungle Explorer. We will be using these to write a non-chronological report. In the second half term, we will be using the text Blue John by Berlie Doherty to write an explanation letter.




Spellings will be tested every Friday and will be accessed from the website Spelling Shed. In addition, all spellings will be sent home via a paper copy and Seesaw too.


In Reading lessons, we will be focusing on developing our reading skills and linking this with answering questions about a text. We will also be developing our inference skills - using clues to help us answer questions.


In the summer term, our Maths work starts with decimals and we will be spending most of the first half term on this. We will also be learning about measures including money and time, statistics, geometry and position and direction. We will also be spending lots of time practising times tables in preparation for the MTC in June.


Our Science topics for the summer term are Switched On where we will be learning about electricity and doing lots of practical work making circuits.


In the second half term, we will be learning about classification and the different animal groups - mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. We will be learning to use keys to classify them and creating our own keys.





In our Art lessons, our unit is called Recycled Art. We will be learning different ways to join materials and using recycled materials in our art work. We will create sculptures by junk modelling and then create our own final piece of art.

Design and Technology

Our DT work this term will be creating our own Roman purse. We will be designing and sewing these and practising different stitches





In Computing, we will be starting the summer term by learning about programming. We will be learning how to use repetition in games and create our own code on Scratch.


The second half term, we will be learning to create media using word processing. We will be learning to create text, edit and improve it to create word documents.


During our RSHE lessons, we will be exploring 'Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds' where we will think about healthy influences and how to make healthy choices. We will also be completing some work within the No Outsiders scheme and thinking about mental health.

In the second half term, we will be understanding how to 'Cope with Change'. In this unit we will be learning about puberty and the changes that will happen to our bodies. We will also learn about periods and how to keep clean. Our No Outsiders work will help us learn about how people dress and to be accepting of others differences.


During our RE lessons, we will be learning all about Hinduism; where the religion started, the main beliefs, special places and festivals in Hinduism and special symbols. We will also look at how different religions use pilgrimage as a symbol of expression.

Physical Education

Meerkats will have PE on a Tuesday with Express Coaching and on a Thursday with Lauren. Our PE will be inside for both sessions so indoor PE kit and sensible footwear is needed. We come to school in PE kits on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure jewellery and earrings are removed for PE or provide tape for covering earrings.


In our music lessons, we will be learning about expression and improvisation and then the unit The Show Must Go On.


Weekly homework and spellings will always be on Seesaw. The homework activities will be uploaded on a Friday and they are to be completed for the following Friday. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings, complete their homework to the best of their ability and read at least three times a week in line with our home/school agreement.

School Awards
