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Last day of term is Friday 26th July and back to school is Wednesday 4th September.


The RSHE curriculum will encourage our children to be more tolerant of others, more understanding and more aware of others. Pupils will have a better understanding of how they grow and develop as a person and how the world around them can influence who they are. They will begin to have tools to help them with the emotional wellbeing and give them information on how and when to seek help. We want learners to reflect upon and appreciate the impact RSHE has on their learning, development and well-being (‘Healthy bodies, Healthy minds’ curriculum driver). We want pupils to begin to see a diverse world and will learn to treat others with respect and to see and treat others equally. Their experiences will begin in the local community and, as they go through school, to the outer world. We feel the way we implement RSHE helps children realise the need for tolerance and mutual respect within our school, the local community and the wider world. The way pupils showcase, share and celebrate their work, along with our ‘Crescent Values’, will best show the impact of our curriculum. We also look for evidence through reviewing pupil’s knowledge and skills through Seesaw, observing learning and pupil voice. We assess through the project outcomes using the ‘skills’ element of Seesaw half term making an overall judgement at the end of each academic year. A monitoring and triangulation timetable is in place to identify and rectify any issues that arise to ensure that the children receive the most effective provision. 

School Awards
