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INSET DAY Friday 14th February, Half Term 17-21 February - Children return to school Monday 24th February


Our music curriculum has been designed around the 3 pillars (technical, constructive and expressive) that interconnect in musicianship to ensure we have a broad and balanced curriculum. A love for music begins in our EYFS classes by singing nursery rhymes and other songs on a regular basis and have the opportunity to play musical instruments with in our provision. There is an emphasis to match the pitch and follow the melody in musical games and listen attentively and talk about music they have heard, expressing their feelings and responses. In Years 1-6 We use the Charanga Music Scheme in our weekly music lessons as they provide the opportunity for children to be immersed in music-making activities that deepen over the course of time at Crescent Primary School. Each Year group have a unit to explore each half term, centred around a social question and musical spotlight, linking to our ‘Creating Connections and Our Place in the World!’ curriculum drivers. Each lesson has an easy to follow structure that takes the class through listening, singing, performing, composing and improvising exercises. Each year, key learning is repeated, skills are reinforced and the learning deepens. By using a spiralled learning approach, Crescent children will have a more secure, deeper learning and musical mastery by the time they leave primary education. 

To further develop our children’s experiences of music we have weekly singing assemblies and children in Key Stage 2 have the option to join our school choir. The choir performs both in school and the wider community, taking advantage of the ‘Dream Big’ curriculum driver when performing in a local choir competition. There are also opportunities to learn how to play a musical instrument such as the guitar which is timetabled in weekly by a qualified music teacher.  

Throughout the school year, different year groups will perform in different types of productions utilising the ‘Dream Big’ curriculum driver. The following timetable is followed, The Nativity (EYFS and Key Stage 1), Christmas Carole Concert at St Augstines Church (Year 3), Easter Performance (Year 4), Summer Performance (Year 5) and Leavers Performance (Year 6). Children have the opportunity to perform in front of their peers, staff, parents and careers. 

School Awards
