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INSET day Friday 18th October - Children return to school on Monday 4th November


At Crescent Primary School, our ambitious, child-centred curriculum offers learners opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to become successful, independent learners. We value all of our children’s starting points in life and by building upon these our intention is to give each child every possible opportunity to:

  • develop a lifelong love of learning
  • engage in a broad and balanced curriculum than enables all children to make maximum progress
  • have access to enabling learning environments, both indoors and outdoors, to stimulate and engage learning
  • develop independence and resilience
  • encourage active enquiring minds
  • explore and solve problems
  • work collaboratively
  • develop positive relationships and feel safe, secure and confident to take risks in their learning
  • have hands on, memorable learning experiences that develop all children’s cultural capital


By the end of the EYFS we aim for all of our children to make accelerated progress from their starting points in order to equip them for future learning and foster characteristics to make them lifelong learners. Our aim is to narrow the gap and we continually strive to do this through close analysis of attainment and refining our teaching and provision in light of this.

School Awards
