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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!

End of Key Stage 1

At the end of Key Stage One, children will know they are a unique person, and that people can have similar qualities to them as well as differences. Children will know how to make friends, sustain friendships and know strategies to resolve arguments if they occur. They will be kind and considerate of others and be able to be tolerant of their needs. Children will know what is hurtful behaviour and this can occur online as well as offline. The understanding of feelings and emotions will become deeper by the end of this key stage. Children will know how feelings can affect their bodies and will have strategies to use to help them calm down, change their mood and manage things when difficulties arise. They will know who loves and cares for them and what their role is in their lives are. Children will have a good understand of who to speak to if they have problems or something is upsetting them – this could be teachers, peers or family members. Children will be able to articulate some basic safety procedures, including when using the internet. They will have the knowledge that rules and restrictions are in place to keep them safe, and the children will know what to do if they have concerns around safety.  

School Awards
