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INSET day Friday 18th October - Children return to school on Monday 4th November

Autumn Term



Our topic this term is:



Mansfield or (Tulum) Mexico – Where would you rather live?







This term we will be reading ‘Look up’ by Nathan Bryan. We will be working towards writing a diary entry about a space flight .We will be practising our skills at writing sentences using ‘and’ as a coordinate and ‘because’ as a subordinate. We will also be using expanded noun phrases to make our sentences more interesting.  



In the second half term we will be reading ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson. We will be learning about owls and will write a non- chronological report about them. We will also be learning to use ly  to turn adjectives into adverbs. We will use commas in a list and will use the coordinates but and or.




During maths we will be recapping on our place value knowledge up to 100. We will then move on to focus on addition and subtraction, learning to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers. We will then continue to develop our understanding of shapes both 2D and 3D.











In our Reading sessions we are looking at different texts and the features they have. We will be perfecting our skills of answering both comprehension and inference-based questions. We will be sequencing and summarising the texts we are reading. We will be reading a range of different texts through out the term, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.


Phonics and Spelling Rules



We will continue developing our phonics knowledge along with introducing spelling rules. We will base our lessons on Supersonic Phonics Friends.






In Science we will be investigating different habitats. Which habitat different animals live in and the foods they eat. We will then investigate different materials. We will experiment with different materials to see which material is best to make tea bags, children’s dungarees and bouncy balls.





In Geography, the children will be investigating where in the world Mansfield and Tulum are and how the world in divided up using the key words: equator and continents. We will also be exploring the physical and human features of Mansfield and Tulum with the opportunities to make direct comparisons between the two.




In RSHE lessons we will focus on healthy and happy friendships along with similarities and differences of each other. We will also look at equality and inclusion how we treat ourselves and others with respect. Anti-bullying and how to be respectful online and face to face.






We will continue our learning of Judaism. We will see what a Torah is and how it is used in a synagogue. We will study the story of Noah and why it is important in both Judaism and Christianity. 






Our Music lessons are based around a song that we learn.

During this time, we use our voices expressively and creatively by singing and accompany this by playing tuned instruments. We will be listening with concentration and understanding a range of high-quality live and recorded music and experiment with, create, select and combine sounds.



School Awards
