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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!


Design and Technology in our school develops children’s skills and knowledge in design, structures, mechanisms, electrical control and a range of materials, including food. It encourages children's creativity and encourages them to think about concepts and aspects of the real world and how they are applicable to their own design and technology products. It incorporates research functionality, problem solving, investigation, evaluating and designing their own products while making links with ICT Maths and Science as ‘Creating Connections’ is one of our curriculum drivers. 

This will provide children with multiple opportunities to use different materials and different tools and evaluate and assess how and why theses relate to and are suitable for their current product. Additional using different tool promotes children fine motor skills. This is achieved by building on knowledge first developed in EYFS through KS1and on to KS2. Additionally, our younger children use technology to safely share their successes by taking photographs and videos of their work. 

Our sequences of lessons aim at teaching new concepts by first unpicking complex design products link and to the real world, exploring these ideas, then unpicking this new concept and understanding their practicality and application. This approach helps pupils develop a secure understanding of complex concepts and ideas. Our sequence of lessons begin with a design objective or problem and this is resolved in the real world. Exploring through research and evaluating children then design and make their own product and consequently evaluate the effectiveness of their own project. 

School Awards
