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INSET day Friday 18th October - Children return to school on Monday 4th November


In the EYFS the children explore geographical themes and content through the Understanding of the World strand of the EYFS curriculum which is delivered through the learning journeys that are planned and delivered. This involves guiding the children to develop sense of their physical world, as well as their community, through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places and the environment which link to our curriculum drivers ‘Our place in our world’ and ‘Creating Connections’. In Years 1-6, geography is taught in blocks throughout the year, so that children can achieve depth in their learning. Our Geography curriculum is designed so that children start with ‘themselves’ and their school or local area before working out to towns, counties, countries and continents and how these fit with the rest of the world. Topics have been carefully planned to ensure that key aspects are revisited and built upon throughout their geography journey through the school. We recognise that our children may not have had the same exposure as their peers to a range of key geographical vocabulary; therefore, this will be rebalanced through our curriculum driver ‘Wonderful Words’ putting a focus on developing knowledge of key vocabulary. Our geography curriculum is well sequenced to take into consideration the strands of locational knowledge, place knowledge, human geography, physical geography and geographical skills and fieldwork. In order to support children in their ability to know more and remember more, there are regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous units as well as previous lessons.   

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