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INSET DAY Friday 14th February, Half Term 17-21 February - Children return to school Monday 24th February

End of Key Stage 2

By the end of Key Stage 2, our children will further develop their understanding of Design and Technology through the areas of mechanical and electrical systems, food and nutrition, textiles, structures and digital systems. Our Design and Technology masters will not only develop and refine their skills within this subject by building on prior knowledge acquired in Key Stage1 and lower Key Stage 2, but also recognise the importance of science and maths within Design and Technology. By linking knowledge from topics such as, shape and space, measure and physics (friction) to their projects, our children are able to consolidate and develop their own ideas through critical thinking. All the projects our children complete require them to, research, design, question, make and more importantly evaluate and improve their projects through innovative thinking, becoming resilient through problem solving. By the end of Key Stage 2, our children should be prepared for the challenge of Key Stage 3 and have solid foundations to suit a career in the STEM industry, should they choose to take this path.

School Awards
