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Flu vaccinations in school 4.11.24 for children in Reception to Year 6


We encourage our children to enjoy and value their RE provision. Asking the WHY behind their learning and not just the HOW encourages collaboration and debate. We want learners to reflect upon and appreciate the impact RE has on their worldwide knowledge of religions and understanding (‘Healthy bodies, Healthy minds’ curriculum driver). Pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study, as in all subjects of the curriculum. Pupils will describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practices through their ability to ask thought provoking questions and recognise the diversity which exists within and between communities.  Pupils will be able to appreciate and appraise varied dimensions of religion. Linked to our wonderful words driver, pupils will articulate beliefs, values and commitments clearly, in order to explain reasons why they may be important 

in their own and other people’s lives. The way pupils showcase, share, celebrate and publish their work will best show the impact of our curriculum. We also look for evidence through reviewing pupil’s knowledge and skills, observing learning and pupil voice. A monitoring and triangulation timetable is in place to identify and rectify any issues that arise to ensure that the children receive the most effective provision. 

School Awards
