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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!

End of Lower Key Stage 2

End of Lower Key Stage 2 Master of Technology

By the end of Year 4 our Masters of Technology will understand the importance of evaluating content online – using digital technology safely is a priority. Children know the importance of privacy and know when and where to report to when they feel uncomfortable of concerned.  Our children will see that devices have inputs, process and outputs and can be connected and how the internet is a network of networks. When programming, our lower key stage 2 children focus on repetition using count-controlled and infinite loops and block-based programming writing algorithms to trigger a sequence of actions. Our children further develop their creative media skills by: modifying text, images and page layouts for a specific purpose; manipulating digital images and reflecting on impact; capturing and editing digital images to produce animations and recording and editing audio to produce podcasts with a consideration to copyright.

School Awards
