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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!

Jackals Autumn 2024

English Writing.


During the Autumn term we shall be using two amazing books which will inspire us to produce published pieces of writing.

The first book we will be looking at is Coming To England by Floella Benjamin, the genre of writing we shall be producing will be a letter detailing Floella’s thoughts, feelings and experiences as she moves from Trinidad to England in the 1950’s. The letter will contain paragraphs, expanded noun phrases and prepositions to show the change of place and time.

After the half term holiday, we shall be reading Nen and the Lonely Fisherman, this text will support us in writing a fantasy story which will have exciting characters, settings and plot. We shall be building our writing skills by including dialogue and planning our writing carefully by discussing the structure, vocabulary and grammar used in a narrative


This year, we will be developing our understanding of Grammar by using Grammarsaurus’s ‘Place value of grammar’. In the Autumn Term will be learning about different types of nouns including common, proper, collective and partitive nouns. We will then learn about ‘being’ and ‘to have’ verbs before moving on to regular action verbs and verb phrases.


In the Autumn Term, Year 3 will be exploring a range of fiction and non-fiction texts from Grammarsaurus’s comprehension crusher resources. Our Non-fiction (information texts) will help us learn about the human skeleton, the five human senses, hunter-gatherers, the great fire of London, counties and regions of England and capital cities of the UK.

Our fiction texts will focus on some narratives from other cultures such as the Mexican tales of ‘The rabbit and the moon’ and ‘The sun and the moon’; some narratives inspired from historical events including ‘Edmund Hilary’s amazing achievement’ and ‘A giant leap for mankind’. We will also explore some poetry through the poems ‘On the day of the dead’ and ‘The last leaf’.

Some children will explore other texts as part of their learning, as well as continuing to develop their Phonic knowledge.

We will assess our reading progress by undertaking regular ‘Bugclub’ assessments.


In our Spelling lessons, we will learning about words with the ‘ou’ digraph; words including ‘y’ that make an /i/ sound; words ending in ‘sure’ and ‘ture’; exploring challenge words that follow irregular spelling patterns; words with the prefixes ‘re’ and ‘mis’ and words ending in ‘ing’, ‘er’, ‘ed’ and ‘en’.



As we move through year 3, we will be consolidating the previous skills we have learnt in Place Value. We will understand how to represent and partition numbers up to 1000 and where they can be placed on a number line.

Addition and Subtraction will see us spotting patterns with numbers and adding and subtracting across, 1’s, 10’s and 100’s. We will be using concrete and pictorial representations of numbers to help us understand their value and what happens to the numbers when they are added to or subtracted from.

Multiplication sessions will see us multiplying and dividing by 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8. We will be sharing, grouping and looking at how arrays can help us solve calculation problems.



Our science topic for the first half term is Light and Shadows. We will be exploring how our eyes enable us to see, what creates a shadow and how we can change the size of a shadow using a light source.

During the second half of the Autumn term, we will be learning about Nutrition and Movement. We will be exploring what nutrition is, where a human gets their nutrition from and what the role of the skeleton and muscles are and which animals are vertebrates and invertebrates.



Computing lessons will see us building upon E Safety as we live in a digital age and must understand strategies for keeping ourselves safe when using technology.

We shall be using both Chromebooks and an iPad to create digital media, using Desktop Publishing. We will recognise that a text and layout can be edited, and that text and images can communicate information.

Programming lessons will see us Sequencing Sound within a program, we will identify that command have an outcome and recognise that a sequence of commands have a specific order.

Modern Foreign Languages – French.


Now we are in Year 3, we shall be taking part in French lessons, these lessons will develop our understanding of the French language, French speaking countries and the foundations of French phonics.

We shall learn how to greet each other in French answer how we are feeling and count up to 10 in the first half of the term.

Later in the term, we will be learning about Les Animaux, understanding what animals are called in French and taking part in speaking, writing and reading sessions in French. We will be learning songs and playing games in French too.

Religious Education:

Our RE learning will focus on the theme of ‘Beliefs and questions’ in the first half term, where we will be exploring important Christian events such as The Nativity, Easter, Pentecost and Harvest as well as understanding Christian beliefs about creation. We will also be learning about the features of a church in preparation for our annual Year 3 carol concert and visit to a local church - St Augustine’s.

Our theme in the second half term will be ‘Worship and sacred places’. We will learn more about how Churches, Mosques, Mandirs help people worship in their communities and why these places are special.

We will begin our RSHE learning with some of our new ‘No Outsiders’ learning, using the text ‘This is our house’ by Michael Rosen to help us learn more about discrimination. We will explore the theme of ‘Happy and healthy friendships’ and being a good friend by learning about the qualities of a good friend, personal space and resilience. We will also learn the importance of staying safe online and how we can do this by learning more about ‘self-image and identity’.

School Awards
