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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!

Puffins - Y2


Welcome to Puffins Class   


Mrs Wyatt is our Class Teacher  


Miss Parker is our Teaching Assistant 



This Term our topic is Explorers of the World - Who was the greatest? We will be developing our history skills to learn how we find out about the past, why do people explore, who are the important explorers from the past and what are the famous explorations of the past.




This term we will be reading The Dragon Machine and My name is not Refugee. We will use these texts to focus our writing on an adventure story and a recount of events from a character's point of view. 




In our lessons we will learn how to write sentences with different form: statement, question, exclamation and command, use subordination (because), use past and present tenses correctly and use punctuation correctly (! and ?).




During Maths we will continue to explore 2D and 3D shapes, money and spend time mastering multiplication and division. We will explore using arrays to support multiplying and dividing (sharing and grouping) and learn how to multiply and divide by 5 and 10.




In our Reading sessions we are looking at different texts and the features they have. We will be perfecting our skills of answering both comprehension and inference-based questions. We will be sequencing and summarising the texts we are reading. We will be reading a range of different texts through out the term, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.



Phonics and Spelling Rules

We will continue developing our phonics knowledge along with introducing spelling rules. We will base our lessons on Supersonic Phonics Friends.





In Science we will learn how humans and animals grow by examining how they change as they grow, what do they need to survive and how humans can stay healthy, clean and active. We will then explore how we grow seeds and bulbs. We will look at how plants change as they grow, what they need in order to grow and what the difference is between bulbs and seeds. 





In Geography, we will explore the weather and climate and what is the difference. we will also read a weather map, collect weather data and record weather data.



This term in art we will explore ways of painting on rocks and will make sculptures with sticks and twigs. We will also make animal pictures with leaves, we will learn how to weave with natural materials and we will explore ways of making mandalas

Following the theme of Earth Art we will make a collage using natural materials. 


    Design and Technology

In DT we are going to be looking at structures, we will explore stability and methods to strengthen structures, to understand Baby Bear’s chair weaknesses and develop an improved solution for him to use.                       



In RSHE our lessons will begin with us understanding what diversity means before focusing on what caring and responsibility means with an emphasis on the special people in our communities. After half term we will think about what makes a good friends and what the diversity of different families mean. In our E-safety lessons, we will explore online relationships and online reputation.




Our first topic is called 'Believing' and will see us exploring what Jewish people believe about god, creation, humanity and the natural world. We will also see some of the ways Jewish people show their beliefs and how they belong. After half term the topic changes to 'Belonging' and we will look at what it means to belong for Christians.




We will begin the spring term by inventing a musical story before moving on to recognising different sounds. Our Music lessons continue to be based around a song that we learn. During this time, we use our voices expressively and creatively by singing and accompany this by playing tuned instruments. We will be listening with concentration and understanding a range of high-quality live and recorded music and experiment with, create, select and combine sounds.



We will begin the spring term by using pictograms to collect and represent data and information. We will count and compare objects using tally charts, recognise that objects can be represented as pictures, create pictograms and then use them to make comparisons and explain what they tell us. After half term we will explore computer systems and networks and understand the IT around us.




Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.  PE is with Mrs Wyatt on Monday and we will have sports coaching on Wednesday. 


Our PE kit is -

                •Plain white t-shirt

                •Shorts / plain black joggers in winter

                •Plain black jumpers in winter

                •Suitable trainers or gripper socks can be worn in the hall



 Helping your child learn

During the week your child's work will be on Seesaw. Talking to your child about their learning at school helps improve their vocabulary and embeds their learning.



Penguins will bring 2 reading books home. Reading at home helps build on the skills they are learning in school. Could you please read with your child at least 3 times a week and record it in their red reading record. Any books/magazines read at home can be recorded in their reading records. 



Penguins have Maths and English homework every week. It will be available on Seesaw each Friday and needs to be completed by the following Thursday. In Year 2 we also have spellings. Penguins will be set new spellings on Friday to be assessed on the following Thursday. 


Bug Club

As a school we subscribe to Bug Club an online reading scheme. Your child will have their own login where they can access books at their ability. Click on the link below.


Spelling Shed

Weekly spellings will be on Spelling Shed to practise every week.   


Maths Shed

We now have access to maths shed. You can practise your times tables and number bonds.

You can log in through spelling shed.











School Awards
