Our end of Lower Key Stage 2 artists will understand the arts and crafts movement by exploring the work of William Morris; using their own printing blocks influenced by his style. They will observe and sketch natural objects. Children will explore and examine buildings in a range of architectural styles and of historical significance including the Taj Mahal, Saint Basil’s Cathedral and the Sydney Opera House. They will explore the work of Sir Christopher Wren and design a building fit for purpose thinking carefully about the use of colour and pattern. Children will investigate and work within the style of pointillism. They will use George Seuret as inspiration thinking about how he creates effects and shading. Children will explore the early life and artwork of Sonia Delauney and the style of Orphism across paintings and fashion. They will consider rhythm and movement within her artwork and the influence she had upon the artistic world. Children will become creative with recycled materials when creating animal sculptures to convey an important message.