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INSET DAY Friday 14th February, Half Term 17-21 February - Children return to school Monday 24th February

Rabbits - Reception



Welcome to Rabbits Class. 

Mrs Wyatt is our Class Teacher, Miss Richards and Miss Bousfield are our wonderful Teaching Assistants and Mrs Thrall is our brilliant Learning Support Asssistant. 





In the Summer Term our new topic is 'How the World Works'. We will be learning about farms, farming and the role of a farmer. We will also learn where and how food grows, what animals live on a farm and what animals we find in our natural environment. To embed this part of our learning we will visit Matlock Farm Park and show them all of our new knowledge and understanding. We will then explore in more detail the roles and responsibilities of such professions as builders, doctors, dentists and the police.

Communication and Language 

Throughout the term, we will be supported to learn and develop our spoken language along with our listening and understanding. We participate in whole class discussions and respond with relevant questions and comments, express ideas and feelings about own experiences using full sentences, begin to use correct and past tense when speaking, use recently introduced vocabulary and ask questions to clarify our own understanding. 


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will be supported to develop important skills to lead happy and healthy lives. These include, understanding the feelings of others, how to show sensitivity to others needs, how to regulate our own behaviour. We will continue to embed how to work and play cooperatively and take turns. Also we will learn how and why keeping clean is important in keeping healthy. 

The Zones of Regulation and our understanding of the school rules and why we need them will continue to be discussed and used on a regular basis.


Physical Development

We will continue to have opportunities to develop our gross and fine motor skills. We will participate in weekly PE sessions lead by a trained Coach, this term it will be Express Coaching and we will develop our multi-skills such as kicking, throwing, catching, balancing and agility skills. In our continuous provision, we will have opportunities to develop our pencil grip, use scissors correctly and safely and continue to write recognisable letters and form our own sentences. We will also use a range of tools which support our fine motor skills. 



Literacy (Drawing Club and Supersonic Phonic Friends)

During this term, we will develop our reading, writing and comprehension skills through comprehensive phonic sessions following the Supersonic Phonic Friends scheme, a daily reading session, reading with an adult 1:1 once a week and high quality reading and writing resources in our continuous provision. Drawing Club, which allows us to use a short story, traditional tale or cartoon/animation to draw their own ideas and write code words/sentences to make our own versions will still continue.

This term sees us covering lots of different styles of short stories and animations. They include The Hungry Caterpillar, The Enormous Turnip, What the Ladybird heard, The Three Little Pigs, Cops and Robbers, Hey Duggee - The Toothbrushing Badge and Zog and the flying doctor. I cannot wait to see what ideas the children come up!



In maths, we will be developing our understanding of numbers, numerical patterns and shape, space and measures. We will be doing this through cool count sessions, weekly maths challenges and high quality maths resources in our continuous provision. We will be exploring numbers to 20 and beyond, addition and subtraction, 2D and 3D shapes, sharing and grouping, creating repeating patterns and describing positions. Before the summer holidays we will spend time consolidating everything we have learnt this year. 


Understanding of the World

Some of our topic lessons will have an emphasis towards Science, as we will be looking at animals, life cycles, how food is grown and farming. When looking at the professions of certain jobs we will be making connections to the world around us!

Each week, we will participate in Nature Detective sessions. This term will see us exploring more what lives outside in our natural environment, creating butterfly feeders, ladybird homes and bug hotels. As well as looking at where plants and vegetables could and would grow. We will also be exploring our school field to see what is similar and different to our other outdoor learning areas in school.


Expressive Arts and Design

Throughout the term, we will develop our artistic and imaginative skills through weekly mini makers sessions. We will explore a range of mediums and develop understanding of construction, textures and design. We will have opportunities to make soup, build a house for the three little pigs, print using vegetables and create a self portrait for their new teacher. Both indoor and outdoor provision will have role play areas to further our imagination and a music area where we can play musical instruments, develop our singing skills and perform to our hearts content. 

Things to Remember




PE is on a TUESDAY. Please make sure your child has their PE kit on that day. Earrings must be taken out - please do this at home or provide plasters to cover them. 


Nature Detectives

Nature Detectives is on a THURSDAY morning. As the weather will probably be more wintery, another pair of shoes (wellies or old trainers) can be worn. A suitable coat will help ensure we can go out in all weathers.


Reading Books 

Please make sure your child brings their reading book and reading record to school everyday. We will be changing books on different days so it is important they come into school every day. 



Reminder to check Tapestry for updates on your child's learning. Please also add observations and share your child's experiences at home. We love to see what they get up to! 


Open Door 

If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the team. If we can't speak when dropping off in the morning, please arrange a time when we can have a chat. 

School Awards
