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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!


Our topic this term is:


Kings Queens and Castles - Where did kings and queens live through time?







Our writing this term is based on the book ‘Grandpa’s Gift’ by Fiona Lumbers. We will be writing a story about a character who finds magic in everyday things. The second half term our writing will be based on ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon. We will write our own version of the story with a new creature. Throughout the term we will carry on learning to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop. We will also start to use some question marks and exclamation marks. We will carry on practise joining words and clauses using ‘and’. We will introduce and use the prefix -un.  We will also learn how to use suffixes where no change is needed to the root of the word e.g –ed, -ing, -er, -est.







During maths we will carry on learning about addition and subtraction within 10. We will use different equipment to help add and subtract. We will learn how to write number sentences and use number lines and part whole models. We will then move on to shape. We will look at different 2D and 3D shapes. After shape we will learn to count to 20 and understand to the different numbers up to. As well as learning one more and one less within 20 and be able to order numbers. Once we have a good understanding of place value within 20 we will move onto addition and subtraction with 20. Towards the end of the term we will learn to count to 50 and begin to understand place value within 50.





We will continue developing our phonics knowledge along with introducing new sounds. We will base our lessons on Supersonic Phonics Friends.






Our science topic this term is all about materials. It is split in to 2 different modules, naming and describing materials and properties and uses of materials. We will identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock. We will be able to name the different materials objects are made from. Our second module is looking at the different properties of materials. We will answer the questions Can the same object be made from different materials? What properties do materials have? Does it bend or stretch? Do all materials get wet?


We will also carry on looking at the seasonal changes of our school grounds. We will see if all flowers are the same and at the different birds that visit.



Our geography unit this term in fieldwork. We will exploration and make around our school grounds. We will devise simple maps, including map symbols to represent our school. We will also learn about compasses and simple directional language.





In History, we will be learning about the different sources we use in order to research the past.  We will be finding out why monarchs build castles. We will look at the different features of castles and their uses. We will also be discovering the differences of the kings and queens of the past with a focus on Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth and King William I. We will learn where our different kings and queens lived through time.  






In our computing lessons, we will be looking at programming animations. We will learn how to choose a command for a given purpose and understand how they can be joined together. We will understand what algorithms are, write simple algorithms and sequence them to create a program and move different sprites on Scratch Junior.




In RSHE, we will be exploring who the special people in our lives are, how they care for us and keep us safe. We will understand how we can be similar yet different to one another and the importance of celebrating this. We will also look at families and committed relationships and the importance of family. We will carry on learning about e-safety and online relationships, who we should make relationships with and the importance of being kind online. We will also be following the no outsiders program. 






In RE, we will be understanding how we are part of different groups including a family and a community. We will be identifying the value of kindness and care within religious stories. We will be looking at the stories: healing the 10 lepers and the feeding of the 5000. We will see how this has impacted on Christians beliefs. We will also be understanding who celebrates Easter and why.  




Our Music lessons are based around a song that we learn. During this time, we use our voices expressively and creatively by singing and accompany this by playing tuned instruments. We will be listening with concentration and understanding a range of high-quality live and recorded music and experiment with, create, select and combine sounds.






In our art lessons, we will be investigating famous self-portraits. We will be using collage to create a self-portrait and investigate the use of different kinds of sketching pencils and paints. We will create our own self portrait on paper and use the medium of clay.



Design and Technology


School Awards
