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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!




Our topic this term is:


My home - Where am I?






This term we will be reading ‘Measha Makes Friends’ by Tom Percival. We will be working towards writing a diary entry. We will be learning new skills and using them to help us write different sentences. We will focus on capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We will be learning lots of new wonderful words and using the vocabulary in our writing.




In the second half term we will be reading ‘Katie in London’ by James Mayhew. We will write a non- chronological report about London. We will be learning to join words using and.  We will also use ‘s’ and ‘es’ to change words into plurals.





During maths we will start the term by learning about place value within 10. We will develop our understanding and importance of place value. This will help us as we move onto addition and subtraction within 10. We will use different equipment to help add and subtract. We will learn how to write number sentences and use number lines and part whole models. The last unit we will work on is this term is shape. We will look at different 2D and 3D shapes.






We will continue developing our phonics knowledge along with introducing new sounds. We will base our lessons on Supersonic Phonics Friends.






In Science we will start with the seasonal changes topic. We will revisit this topic throughout the school year, seeing how our school environment changes through the seasons. We will also be investigating the human body and senses. At the end of the term we will revisit our seasonal changes and observe the changes that have occurred.




Our topic this term is Geography based. We will be learning about our home, school and surrounding area.  We will learn about space and scale by looking at our classroom location. We will be looking at the location of our school on the street as well as human and physical features of the area. We will also be learning about the seasons in the United Kingdom and how they change. We will also look at where our country is in the world and how the weather changes around the world.




The first half term we will be learning about digital painting. We will be using different line and shape tools to paint a digital picture and compare it to a painting completed on paper. After half term we will look at different types of technology and their main parts. We will also be thinking carefully about the rules for using technology safely.




In RSHE, the children will be exploring friendship thinking carefully about what a good friend looks like. We will be exploring kindness and identifying how we are similar yet different from one another. We will be promoting respect and celebrating our differences; noticing what our strengths are and that who we are makes us unique. We will also be following the no outsiders program. 




In RE, we will be investigating the different celebrations and festivals of Christmas and Hannukkah. We will be looking at who celebrates these different events, how they are celebrated and why people celebrate them. 




Our Music lessons are based around a song that we learn. During this time, we use our voices expressively and creatively by singing and accompany this by playing tuned instruments. We will be listening with concentration and understanding a range of high-quality live and recorded music and experiment with, create, select and combine sounds.




In Art, we will begin by using marks to draw lines and repeated patterns. We will also be experimenting with painting and using different paintbrushes. We will create a piece of artwork inspired by the artist Paul Klee. 



Design and Technology

Our DT topic this term is on Food and Nutrition. We will be learning about fruit and vegetables and where they come from. We will make a healthy smoothie after completing taste testing.

School Awards
