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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!


Our curriculum is taught weekly based around the pillars of computer science, information technology and digital literacy. We split these pillars into themes which allow for a spiral approach which ensures declarative and procedural knowledge can be visited, recapped and built upon to deepen understanding and challenge our learners. E Safety, although taught explicitly from EYFS, is also embedded through our computing and RSHE curriculums and is discussed, where pertinent through the school day. The curriculum is organised using a range of resources including ‘NCCE’ and ‘Project Evolve’, this enables our lessons to be designed for the needs of our children.  It also allows for greater flexibility with an interconnected curriculum. Employing such links motivates pupils, giving context and supports them to make connections and know more and remember more. ‘Creating Connections’ is one of our curriculum drivers.  

Computing within EYFS supports all areas of learning e.g. the use of iPads and desk top computers to develop fine motor skills, using Apps such as Google Earth to find out about the world around us ‘Our Place in Our World’. Additionally, our younger children use technology to safely share their successes by taking photographs and videos of their work.  

Children develop their understanding and skills using both Chromebooks and iPads and a variety of Apps which we encourage them to choose from as they gain confidence.  Additionally, we have invested in a class set of Crumble physical computing hardware and have our microbits – providing activities that offer tactile and sensory experiences. 

Our sequences of lessons aim to teach new concepts by first unpacking complex terms and ideas, exploring these ideas, then repacking this new understanding into the original concept. This approach helps pupils develop a secure understanding of complex concepts.  Our lessons begin with focus on addressing misconceptions, identified through formative assessment, recapping and focused vocabulary work ‘Wonderful Words’ as this helps with the demands on working memory. Challenging content is supported for pupils who need it potential those with EAL or SEND using a variety of scaffolding tools. The children’s progression through a sequence of learning is documented on Seesaw. This allows for publishing, discussions re ESafety and sharing successes with parents and carers.

School Awards
