Welcome to Panthers!
Mrs Shaw is our Teacher and Miss Hrycaj is our Teaching Assistants.
We are beginning Year 6 with an exciting History based topic which all of our work will centre around. Our Topic Title for the Autumn Term is ‘Battle of Britain – Why was it a significant turning point for the United Kingdom?’.
We begin the topic with a History focus where we explore how Nazi Germany began and how Hitler came into power. We will explore how World War II began and how the UK were involved before considering about the impact this had on our local area (East Midlands). The end of the unit will allow us to discover how the British Forces claimed victory at the Battle of Britain which will enable us to answer our topic title at the end of the Autumn Term.
Our writing will be heavily influenced by our engaging topic. We will be putting into practice our SPaG learning to create some fascinating pieces including a story with a flashback based on the text ‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’ and a leaflet based on the text ‘The Place For Me’. Our writing will be purposeful and we will be sharing our work with a range of audiences and taking pride in publishing each piece.
Reading this term will be centred around a range of key, engaging texts. We will be utilising skills of retrieval, inference, summarising and prediction with a huge focus on vocabulary. We will ensure we build on our skills of fluency and comprehension during each lesson.
We will be beginning the Autumn term by learning about place value where we will understand how to make, read and write numbers up to 10,000,000. We will use number lines, bar models and part-part-whole models to support us with this. As we progress, we will move onto looking at the 4 operations and developing our problem solving skills in these areas. In Autumn 2, we will move onto fractions and converting units. Each week, we will consolidate our arithmetic skills and ensure we are feeling confident with our timestables.
As well as being reminded about the importance of e-safety, we will be focusing on programming during our computing lessons. We will explore using variables to improve a game and design our own project using variables. Following on from this, we will be looking at Data and Information Spreadsheets by exploring formulas and building data. We will showcase our skills by create a spreadsheet in order to plan an event.
In art, linking to our topic, we will be developing our mastery of art and design techniques with a focus on Landscape Art. We will use collages to create a landscape artwork linked to WW2.
In the Autumn Term, we will be using the RE skills developed in our Bible Explorers workshops to answer some big questions and consider how religious beliefs can impact the everyday lives of people.
Year Six will have PE on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure children are coming to school on these days wearing a full PE kit. We will go swimming on a Friday and we will be developing our dance and gymnastics skills with Miss Siddal.
In Science, we will learn about the ‘Classification of Living Things'. We will be exploring how we can classify animals and plants by comparing and contrasting different organisms. We will move onto ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ during Autumn 2 which focuses on exploring what it takes to survive, how evolution happens and the idea of natural selection. We will complete a range of scientific investigations to support us with this.
In RSHE, Year 6 will identify what makes a ‘Healthy and Happy friendship’ by exploring relationships, feelings and wider emotions. Linking to E-Safety, we will explore how to be kind and show respect for others online. This will involve thinking about the importance of boundaries regarding what is shared about them online. We will also focus on how we can develop a positive online reputation. Our ‘No-Outsiders’ lessons will focus on considering the responses to immigration and considering language and freedom of speech. Towards the end of our RSHE learning, we will also learn about economic wellbeing by exploring the concept of gambling and the impact this can have on health, wellbeing and future aspirations. Linking to keeping safe, we will also explore what FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is and what to do if children think they or someone they know might be at risk.
In Music we will explore ‘Music and Technology’ which focuses on understanding how music brings us together. In Autumn 2, we will move onto developing our ‘Ensemble Skills’ where we work as a team to blend sounds together.
Weekly homework and spellings will always be on Seesaw. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings, complete their homework and read at least 3 times a week in line with our home/school agreement.
Children will be assigned weekly spellings on EdShed.