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INSET DAY Friday 14th February, Half Term 17-21 February - Children return to school Monday 24th February




Crescent Primary School Nursery


Crescent Primary School has a 78 place Nursery (39 places in each morning/afternoon session) for children aged 3 and 4 before they begin full time school. Children attend the nursery for either a half day in a morning or an afternoon (15 hours a week) or the full day (30 hours a week) if parents are eligible. Children are admitted into the nursery the term after they are aged 3. 


Birth MonthTerm Admitted
September - DecemberSpring Term - January
January - MarchSummer Term - April
April - AugustAutumn Term - September


The morning session times are: 8:30 am - 11:30 am

The afternoon session times are: 12:20 pm - 3:20 pm

Full day session times are: 8:30 am - 3:20 pm


To apply for a place, please click the following link and complete the application form

 For further information, please visit the school's admissions page.


30 Hours Free Childcare Funding


We are excited to offer full time places for children who are eligible for the government 30 hours free childcare funding from January 2021. The day will run from 8:30 am to 3:20 pm and children can either bring a packed lunch or have a paid school meal. Children who are eligible must attend each morning session but can choose which afternoon sessions to attend over the week. To check if your child is eligible for 30 hours free funding, please visit or contact the school office for further information.







In the Foundation Stage, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and cover the seven areas of learning:


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design


At Crescent Primary School, we provide children with a balance of adult led and child led learning. Each week the children take part in sessions which are carefully planned to help them to develop and make good progress. Children take part in a variety of sessions throughout the week including maths, phonics, stories, singing and topic based work.  Each week, the children will participate in a PE session led by a PE coach, Nature Detectives where the children explore the environment. The indoor and outdoor provision is also carefully planned for and children are supported by staff to continue to develop their thinking and learning during child initiated play. 



Home Learning


We believe it is really important for the parents and school to work together to provide the best possible education for our children. Each week we will send home two books for the children; one book will have no words and is to encourage the children to use the pictures to tell their own story, the other book will be selected by your child for you to read to them. Lilac books (books with no words) and given to children once they have been in Nursery for one or two terms. This is dependent on age. Reading is really important for children's development and will help them to make progress in many different areas.



We also subscribe to Tapestry, an online learning journal which parents and carers can access from home. Through this app, we are able to share your child's learning at school with you. You are then able to add comments to your child's work, as well as add information about what your child has been doing at home. The children love sharing their home learning with their friends and their teachers! Please speak to the class teacher about setting up your Tapestry account.



School Awards
