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Flu vaccinations in school 4.11.24 for children in Reception to Year 6

Seals - Y1

Welcome to Seals Class Page


We are so pleased to tell you all about the incredible learning we will be doing over this term.


Our class is full of enthusiastic, hard-working pupils with our teachers Miss Hancock and Miss Moore, and teaching assistant Miss Parker.


Miss Hancock






Miss Moore                                        Miss Parker




PE will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this term. Children will need to bring their indoor and outdoor PE kit to school in a separate bag on these days. Children will need a white top, black shorts or jogging bottoms and trainers/plimsolls. Our PE sessions this term are outside, so we recommend wearing a white t-shirt, jumper/hoodie, jogging bottoms/leggings until the weather gets warmer. The children’s PE kit can remain at school overnight and children will be sent home with it on Friday to be returned Tuesday.


In the Spring term, children will be continuing to take their phonics books home. Reading at home helps build on the skills they are learning in school. Could you please read with your child 3 times a week and record it in their red reading record. The children receive star stamps each time they read and a sticker for those who have read 3 times per week!

We use Seesaw to showcase the learning we have been doing in class. As of the Spring term, we will also be setting your child’s homework on Seesaw, so please look out for any homework tasks that come through. Learning at home is a great way for your child to continue to develop their learning from school and is a great way for you to see what we have been doing as well! We really appreciate the continued support that you provide at home with your child’s learning. You can log onto your child’s Seesaw account using your QR code that has been sent home. Be sure to check out our wonderful work, you can even add likes and comments too!


As a school we subscribe to Bug Club an online reading scheme. Your child will have their own login where they can access books at their ability. Click on the link below.

School Awards
