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INSET day Friday 18th October - Children return to school on Monday 4th November

Summer Term

Our topic-based question for the Spring term is:

Western United States – How does our Geography compare?



Our first unit focuses on writing a persuasive information leaflet. We will look at the book ‘The Brilliant Deep’ by Kate Messner. This will focus on the effects of climate change on coral reefs. Our mastery keys for this unit will be

  • Using modal verbs to indicate degrees of possibility
  • Using devices to build cohesion within a paragraph
  • Formal vs informal writing
  • Using brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis
  • Enhancing meaning through selecting appropriate vocabulary



Our second unit focuses on writing an information text about the artist Jean-Michael Basquiat. We will look at the book ‘Radiant Child’ by Javaka Steptoe. Our mastery keys for this unit will be

  • Using relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or an omitted relative pronoun.
  • Using adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility
  • Using a wider range of devices to build cohesion across paragraphs
  • Linking ideas using tense choices



Spellings will be tested every Friday and will be accessed from the website Spelling Shed. In addition, all spellings will be sent home via a paper copy for those who want one.



Reading units will be completed in 2-week blocks. We will be looking at non-chronological reports focusing on the physical features of the UK, the USA economy and space tourism, persuasive adverts and Benjamin Zephinah poetry.

S1 ensures the children have the world and word knowledge required to understand the text.

S2 includes reading the text and combining the previous session’s learning to develop a deeper understanding of the text.

S3/4/5 develops reading fluency and demonstrating comprehension (I do, we do, you do.)

S6 is dedicated for independent application.

The children will independently apply their knowledge of the text type and the skills they have been taught.




We love maths in year 5. Our lessons will be a mixture of practical, investigative and written.  We will start with a topic looking at statistics. This will include a focus on line graph and interpreting information in timetables. We will then move onto shape, particularly looking at angles. We will measure and work out angles around a point and on a straight line. Finally, in the first half term, we will look at position and direction. We will look at co-ordinates, translations and symmetry. After each unit we will complete an end of unit assessment.

Our second half term is really busy and the units covered will include decimals, negative numbers, converting measuring units and volume.

Throughout all our learning we will also include arithmetic based lessons – improving our accuracy and understanding of the four number operations.





Our first science unit is called ‘Separating Mixtures and Changing Materials’. We will have great fun finding out about mixing solids, liquids and gasses. We will look at irreversible changes and how we can clean up contaminated water.

Our second science unit is called ‘Human Growth’. We will focus on the human life cycle.







Our first unit ‘Computer Systems and Networks’ will focus on how computer systems help us in everyday life. We will experiment with different search engines and look at how results are ranked.

The second unit ‘Data and Information’ gives us the opportunity to explore computer databases.  We will look at their benefits and how they group and organise data. We will finish by using a real-life database to help us answer questions.



Art and Design Technology

In the first half term our focus will be art looking at the topic ‘Express Yourself’.  We will look at colour and clothing as well as drawing facial expressions. Using wire models, we will try and convey expression. This topic will be finished by looking at the work of Chuck Close.

In the second half time the focus is design and technology, which will be looking at bridges. We will evaluate different bridge designs before building our own. We will then evaluate our own designs and suggest improvements.




Religious Education

Our first unit will look at 'How do people's beliefs about God, the world and others have impact on their lives. We will focus on the five pillars of Islam, Hindu teachings and have a chance to look at our own personal beliefs.


Our second unit gives us the opportunity to focus on ‘How are religious and spiritual thoughts and beliefs expressed in arts and architecture and in charity and generosity?’ We will look at Islamic and Christian architecture and different charities for each religion. Then we will pose the question, ‘Should money be spent on church building and mosques or be spent on those in need?’





Our focus for the whole term will be looking at the geography of the Western United States. We will compare its geography to our own and that of South America. Attention will be given to the geographical features of volcanoes and earthquakes and the zones in which they occur. As part of this unit we will look at rivers and the water cycle too.






Our RHSE work focuses on ‘Staying safe and healthy’ and #bekind - E-safety in the first half term.

The second half term focuses on ‘Coping with change’ and also being safe in the sun.





PE will be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday this term. We will be working with Express Coaching on gymnastic skills based on shape and balance and with Mr Saleh on handball skills. (Invasion Games.)

PE will be indoors on Tuesday and outdoor on Wednesday so please come dressed in sensible clothing. If the weather is wet, please send a spare set of clothes in order to be dry the rest of the day!




Music this term is based on units named ‘Freedom to Improvise’ and ‘Battle of the Bands.’ This will give us opportunity to appraise, compose, sing and evaluate music.




We are continuing a new, exciting French scheme this term. Our first unit is called ‘Les Jeux Olympiques’ with a focus on the Olympics and the second unit is called 'Les Romains ’ which is about the Romans.





Weekly homework will always be on Seesaw.

Please can you encourage your child to practise their spellings, complete their homework and read at least 3 times a week in line with our home/school agreement.  


Important dates

PE is every Tuesday and Wednesday this term.

Please can children come to school in their PE kit- a plain white or red t-shirt and black joggers or shorts. Please make sure children can remove their own earrings and hair is tied up. A spare set of clothes in a carrier bag when the weather is rainy would be advised.

Every Friday – Reading Record check and homework check.

Every Friday – Spelling test.

Every Friday- Homework is set and the previous week due.



Mrs Cooper / Mrs Brewer will endeavour to be available as the door opens in the morning and at the end of the day. If you need a longer discussion we will arrange an appointment for an appropriate time. If you need to contact Mrs Cooper out of school hours please email on:

School Awards
