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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!


At Crescent Primary School we are aspiring writers! The intent of our writing curriculum is to enable children to make progression in spoken language and writing. All stakeholders recognise that the teaching of writing is of paramount importance within a broad and balanced curriculum. Our aim is to ensure that children will leave Crescent Primary School as competent, confident and ambitious writers, who have an understanding of the conventions of standard English. We aim for all learners to enjoy writing and value the importance and power of the written word. Our intention is that children will have an in-depth understanding of different text types whilst writing for a range of audiences and purposes. 

The writing curriculum at CPS encourages children to immerse themselves in a range of text types, understand the features and impact of these and realise the importance of them. Oracy is prioritised in our writing curriculum to help build vocabulary for all learners and build fluency and close the vocabulary gap. Pathways to Write follows a Master-Learning model where key skills are taught and repeated with multiply opportunities to apply the skills throughout the unit. This increases understanding and prepares our children with the tools they need in order to become increasingly accurate writers. The studied texts have been chosen to link closely to our Curriculum Drivers and curriculum topics. As a school, we value the significance of writing; we celebrate and share the successes of the children through ‘Golden Writers’ and their spelling achievements on ‘EdShed’. The significance of SPaG is valued at CPS. We strive for children to be confident spellers and have a secure knowledge base in English, in which they can apply to their writing.   

School Awards
