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INSET DAY Friday 14th February, Half Term 17-21 February - Children return to school Monday 24th February

Jackals - Y3

Welcome to Jolly Jackals class.


Our class Teacher is Mrs Cheetham  and we have Miss Swinscoe, Mrs Gadja and Miss Fox working with us too.

At the start of the school day our door opens at 8:40 am and will close at 8:50 am. At the end of the day the door opens at 3:20 pm and closes at 3:30 pm.


Please ensure that water bottles, Reading Records and reading books are in school each day as we use these everyday to help us with our learning.


PE in Jackals takes place on Tuesday and Thursday, Jackals should come to school in their PE kit on these days, please ensure ear rings are removed and check the weather for these days as some lessons will be outside.


Homework will be set on Seesaw every Friday, so keep an eye out for this. Jackals will have their Spelling Quiz on a Friday morning. We will regularly post on Seesaw to show you our amazing learning and also us having lots of fun.



School Awards
