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Flu vaccinations in school 4.11.24 for children in Reception to Year 6


The impact of quality history teaching will be the children being increasingly aware of how historical events have shaped their lives and the world they currently live in, including their local community. Our ‘Crescent Values’ curriculum driver will be evident as we develop children who reflect on and recognise the achievements of past societies and cultures. As a result of our history curriculum, we will have learners who question and investigate in a bid to make informed and balanced judgements based on their knowledge of the past.  Our children will develop enquiry skills to pursue their own interests within a topic and ask further questions. They will retain prior-learning and make connections between what they have previously learnt and what they are currently learning.  Assessment will take the form of summative assessment at the end of the year. Children will be assessed on their substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Formative assessment will take place during lesson sequences to acknowledge prior learning and address misconceptions. A monitoring and triangulation timetable is in place to identify and rectify any issues that arise to ensure that the children receive the most effective provision. 

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