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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!

Nursery - Robins

 to the Rocking Robins!

In Robins we have three groups of children- Morning children, Afternoon children and 30 hours children.  Our 30 hour children stay with us all day, Monday to Friday, and have their dinners with us. 


In Robins, we have some friendly members of staff to help us learn and grow.


Mrs Campbell-Short                                                       Miss Moore

Class Teacher and EYFS Lead                                          Class Teacher

Mon, Wed, Thurs and Friday                                           Tuesday



Miss Allwood                       Mrs Marples                         Mrs Screaton

Teaching Assistant               Teaching Assistant               Learning Support Assistant


In Robins class, we learn through play, both indoors and outdoors. Through our play we learn how to play alongside the other children, how to take turns and share our toys and resources. We have lots of fun exploring and investigating in the environment, challenging ourselves with new experiences and oppurtunities. 


This term our topic is...



As part of this topic, we are going to be learning about the role of farming and growing. We are going to learn all about the role of the farmer, about all of the animals you may find on the farm and how the farmer grows his crops. We will have a go at being farmers and growing our own vegetables.




As part of our daily routine, we will listen to a range of stories set on a farm learning all about life on a farm including Spot Goes to the Farm, Little Red Hen and Noisy Farm. We will talk about the stories and make story maps to help us re-tell the story for ourselves. We will also read non-fiction information to help us learn more about farmers and farm animals. 


In Robins, we take part in daily singing sessions where we listen to and begin to join in with a range of familiar nursery rhymes with words and actions. 



Maths and number is part of our daily routine in Robins. We use every oppurtunity to count and use numbers. We count how many children we have and take part in daily votes for our story to gain an under standing of more or less. We also sing a range of familiar number songs too. We have a well resourced, interesting maths area where the children can explore a range of number and maths based resources to begin to develop our mathematical knowledge.  



We will take part in weekly Nature Detective sessions where we look at the world around. We discuss the seasons, the weather and make observations about how they world changes throughout the year. We enjoy looking at plants, animals and insects we find out and about too.


As part of our topic, we are learning about life on the farm. We will learn about what animals live on a farm and how they grow and change from babies to adults. We will learn about growing plants and what we need to do to help them grow and thrive. We will learn the names of different vegetables and use them to prepare and make some vegetable soup. 




 Children have access to a well-stocked creative area full of resources for children to draw, paint, stick, cut, fix etc.  Children have lots of oppurtunities to learn different creative skills such as cutting, drawing, painting and collaging to develop personal creative skills and style. 

Children will have a weekly creative task that they will complete with an adult too.  



Children will take part in a weekly PE session with a trained coach.

In the Summer Term, Robins are taking part in dance lessons with Lauren on Thursdays.  We are learning to control our bodies when moving in different ways and working on keeping a rhythm when dancing. 


We take every oppurtunity to develop our fine motor skills in Robins. We learn to use a range of different fine motor equipment such as scissors, scoopers, drawing equipment, pegs and so much more. 



Through our play, children will be supported to learn sharing skills and how to play alongside the other children in the class. We learn skills how to become more independent such as getting our own coats and putting them on and finding our own bags for home time. We will learn how to communicate and manage our needs and  wants  such as with toileting or when we are thirsty. 

We will explore emotions and learn about situations that might affect our emotions such as something making us sad. We will use the zones of regulations to help develop a deeper understanding of out feelings and emotions. 



Through a language rich environment and interactions with the adults, children will develop their communicating, listening and attention skills. Adults will introduce adults to new vocabularly and concepts to support children's understanding and knowledge.  Regular phonics sessions will support children's ability to listen and maintain attention to others. In addition, we will have a weekly CAL session, answering a question of the week and listening to others answers too. 



  • PE is on Thursday's this term. Your child needs to come in their school PE kit for the whole session. 
  • Nature Detectives is on a Monday. Your child needs outdoor clothes appropriate for the weather. Wellies and splash suits are ideal!
  • Please remember to name all items of clothing sent into school. 


Remember to keep checking Tapestry as we update it regularly. We also love to see posts from home, so please feel free to add your own posts and we will share these in school. 

School Awards
