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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!

Autumn Term

We are so excited to be working together in Year 5 and are looking forward to a busy but brilliant Autumn Term. Our topic based question for the Autumn Term is:

Invaders and Settlers – How did they change Britain?



Our first unit focuses on diary writing. We will be inspired by the book ‘Race to the Frozen North’ by Catherine Johnson. We will use paragraphing to organise our writing and use commas after fronted adverbials. We will work on many skills including engaging the reader through use of description and opinion and the use of rhetorical questions to add interest and intrigue.


Our second unit is all about adventure. We will use the fiction text ‘Beowolf’ by Michael Morpurgo to lead our writing. We will use expanded noun phrases to include description and use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech. We will have great fun creating the struggle between good and evil and consider the use of characters within the adventure.




Spellings will be tested every Friday and will be accessed from the website Spelling Shed. In addition, all spellings will be sent home via a paper copy and Seesaw too.




Reading units will be completed in 2 week blocks.


S1 ensures the children have the world and word knowledge required to understand the text.

S2 includes reading the text and combining the previous session’s learning to develop a deeper understanding of the text.

S3/4/5 develops reading fluency and demonstrating comprehension (I do, we do, you do.)

S6 is dedicated for independent application.

The children will independently apply their knowledge of the text type and the skills they have been taught.




We love maths in year 5. Our lessons will be a mixture of practical, investigative and written. We will begin with place value before moving onto addition and subtraction. The next unit is based on multiplication and division and lastly we will work on fractions.

Throughout all our learning we will also include arithmetic based lessons – improving our accuracy and understanding of the four number operations.





Our first science unit is all about 'The Earth and Beyond'. We will have a great time finding out about what is in space, how the planets move, what causes day and night plus much more.


Our second unit is 'Properties and Uses of Materials'. We will find out about metals, plastics and materials found in our school. Included in this, will be some investigations and experiments.





During the first half term we will work on Programming. This will include writing programs that include count controlled loops and designing and creating a program of our own. This will be followed by a Creating Media focus with the learning based on web page creation. We will review existing websites before designing and creating our own.





Art and Design Technology

Chinese Art is the focus of our art project this term. We will explore themes, styles and colours of traditional art and the use of dragons. We will move onto replicating Chinese calligraphy and will learn about the Terracotta Army.


Food and Nutrition is the focus in design and technology. We will research the journey of food from farm to fork. We will then look at pasta sauce receipes and ways in which we can make them healthier. Using our research, we will design and make a healthy pasta sauce practicing our chopping and peeling skills. Finally, we will evaluate our sauces and suggest improvements.




Religious Education

In RE we are very lucky to follow the Bible Explorers project. We will learn about Christianity through stories in the Bible.




Invaders and Settlers – How did they change Britain? Our learning will be based around what key events led to England being unprotected in the 5th century, how was Anglo Saxon England ruled after the settlement of the Angles, Jutes and Saxons? We will also investigate how Anglo Saxon life changed after the arrival of the Vikings. Linked with this we will learn about the role of the Scots during this time period.





Pumas’ PE will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday’s sessions will be with Express coaching indoors and Wednesday’s sessions will be outdoors on the MUGA with Mr Saleh.

**Children must come to school in their PE kit on these days. PLEASE ensure your child is wearing the correct PE uniform as outlined in newsletters.





In RSHE we will focus on healthy and happy friendships. We will share opinions and have time to consider the term ‘identity’, we will think about peer pressure and how this could affect friendship choices and very importantly year 5 will discuss emotional health and well being.


‘Similarities and Differences’ will be the next focus of our learning. We will celebrate strengths and set goals for the future.


As always we are committed to ensuring year 5 are safe online through our Project Evolve lessons.


No Outsiders - These lessons will focus on considering consequences and justifying our actions.




Our music lessons follow the Charanga scheme and our focus will be on melody and harmony in music followed by Sing and play in different styles. We will look at music from around the world.




'Do you have a pet?' is the first unit in our French. We will look at the names of various different animals. This will be followed by 'The Date', looking at days of the week and months.





Weekly homework and spellings will always be on Seesaw.

Please can you encourage your child to practise their spellings, complete their homework and read at least 3 times a week in line with our home/school agreement.

School Awards
