Collaboration of Schools
Crescent Primary School
Farmilo Primary School
Intake Farm Primary School
Northfield Primary School
John T Rice Infant School
Nettleworth Infant School
Newlands Junior School
With effect from September 2017 Crescent Primary School joined a collaboration with Farmilo Primary School, Intake Farm Primary School and Northfield Primary School (John T Rice from Sept19 and Nettleworth and Newlands from Sept 22)
The purpose of the collaboration is to:
Increase teacher skill, knowledge and expertise by increasing networking and the sharing of good practice opportunities
Develop and implement a peer to peer quality assurance process
Strengthen Governance
Identify and utilise economies of scale
Increase the range of strategies used to secure positive behaviour at lunchtimes
The collaboration is designed to share and strengthen practice across our schools. It is not intended to affect the unique characteristics or our school or the way that we operate on a day to day basis.
If you would like to know any more about our collaboration work, please do not hesitate to get in touch.