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Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 13 December

End of Key Stage 2

By the end of this key stage, children will write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences selecting language that shows a good awareness of the reader. Children will continue to draw from models of similar writing, wider reading and research and discuss written work using appropriate terminology. Our writers will plan and draft a piece of independent writing by identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing selecting vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect what the writing requires doing this mostly appropriately. Children will evaluate and edit their writing by considering the effectiveness of word choice, grammar and punctuation, including use of tense, subject-verb agreement and register. During this process, children will also proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors.  In narratives, children will describe settings, characters and atmosphere using expressive or figurative language and describing how it makes the characters feel. Children will integrate dialogue in narratives to convey character and advance the action. To engage the reader, children will create convincing characters and gradually reveal more as the story unfolds, through the way they talk, act and interact with others. Our writers use paragraphs with control to develop and expanded ideas, descriptions, themes or events. Children will build on their understanding of cohesion by using a range of devices including conjunctions, adverbials of time and place, pronouns and synonyms within and across paragraphs. Using appropriate choice of tense will also support whole text cohesion and coherence. To present their writing, children will use a range of organisational and presentational devices including the use of columns, bullet points, underlines and tables to guide the reader. Crescent children will use expanded noun phrases, adverbs and preposition phrases to convey complicated information concisely and to add detail including some repetition of noun phrases. They will adapt the length of their sentences to change and enhance meaning including the use of a wide range of conjunctions and relative pronouns. To aid coherence, children will use verb tenses consistently and correctly throughout their writing. The use of some passive verbs will be evident to affect the presentation of information. Children will demonstrate the ability to use vocabulary and grammatical choices to suit both formal and informal situation including adverbs for possibility and the use of subjunctive forms. Our Wizards of Writing will use the range of punctuation taught at key stage 2 mostly correctly such as punctuation at Lower Key Stage 2 standard; brackets or commas to indicate parenthesis; commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity and inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech. Children will show some accurate use of colons to introduce lists and semi-colons to separate items within lists, colons and semi-colons to mark the boundary between independent clauses, dashes to indicate parenthesis, hyphens to avoid ambiguity and consistent punctuation of bullet points. The full range of spelling rules and patterns for Years 5/6 are mostly accurately applied including accurate spelling of most prefixes and suffixes, accurate spelling of most words with silent letters and accurate spelling of most homophones and other words which are often confused. To support the spelling of uncommon or more ambitious vocabulary, children will use a dictionary to check the spelling. Children will maintain legibility in joined handwriting when writing at speed.  

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