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At Crescent Primary School, the intent of our Religious Education curriculum is to offer distinctive opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual, cultural, social and moral 

development. We provide pupils with the opportunity to learn the subject content about various religious and non-religious traditions whilst building an awareness of their own values and beliefs. We offer a structured and safe space during curriculum time for reflection. We engage pupils in discussion, dialogue and debate which enables them to make their reasoning clear; supporting their cognitive and linguistic development. Opportunities are carefully planned for pupils to relate the learning to their own personal knowledge and are treated with mutual respect. We encourage and promote this in a healthy, responsible and safe way utilising our ‘Healthy bodies, healthy minds’ curriculum driver, recognising that education is the best to facilitate the learning of many diverse cultures. Our school community has a rapidly growing number of EAL children: We ensure that inclusivity and accessibility are prioritised. As well as learning about the historical and current relationship between cultures and worldviews, we study the ways in which one religion has influenced the development of another and challenge negative attitudes within this. More importantly, our broad and balanced curriculum, provide our children with all the tools to ‘Dream Big’ developing their cultural capital and carefully enriching their knowledge and skills to participate and benefit fully in modern Britain. We give pupils from every background access to the kinds of cultural capital with which religions and worldviews engage. Through our ‘Crescent Values’ curriculum driver and promoting British values we will enable learners to develop positive attitudes through valuing, and noticing, what society gains from diversity.  

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