Our topic based question for the Spring term is:
Maya Civilisation – How did it differ to Britain?
Our first unit focuses on myth writing. This will enable us to create characters (heroes, villains and monsters) and settings. We will use expanded noun phrases and relative clauses to add detail to our writing. Linking ideas across paragraphs using adverbials will be a focus and using commas to clarify meaning to help keep our writing clear will be key. Our feature keys will include the use of dialogue to move action forward, creating a plot / quest for the hero and including a magic object which may symbolise something in the myth.
Our second unit focuses on writing a biography about Chris Hadfield. Our mastery keys will focus on using verb forms correctly and using brackets, commas and dashes to indicate parenthesis. The feature keys will support us in engaging the reader through the use of description, feelings and opinions. Our writing will use real life facts and thematic language. We will also practise using formal language appropriately.
Spellings will be tested every Friday and will be accessed from the website Spelling Shed. In addition, all spellings will be sent home via a paper copy and Seesaw too.
Reading units will be completed in 2 week blocks.
S1 ensures the children have the world and word knowledge required to understand the text.
S2 includes reading the text and combining the previous session’s learning to develop a deeper understanding of the text.
S3/4/5 develops reading fluency and demonstrating comprehension (I do, we do, you do.)
S6 is dedicated for independent application.
The children will independently apply their knowledge of the text type and the skills they have been taught.
We love maths in year 5. Our lessons will be a mixture of practical, investigative and written. We will complete our fraction unit with subtracting of mixed numbers and completing our end of unit assessment. We will then begin a unit of multiplication and division – using written methods to find answers to tricky calculations. Following on from this we will learn the strategy of multiplying fractions, finding fractions of amounts and using fractions as operators. We will complete end of unit assessments for each unit.
Our second half term leads us into a unit on decimals, equivalent fractions and percentages. We will also learn about ordering and rounding decimals. Finally, we will focus on perimeter and area of polygons. We will also use strategies to find the area of compound shapes.
Throughout all our learning we will also include arithmetic based lessons – improving our accuracy and understanding of the four number operations.
Our first science unit is called Forces and mechanisms. We will have great fun finding out about friction, gravity, lifting heavy loads and we will conduct an investigation - ‘How does the length of the lever affect the force needed to lift a load?’
Our second science unit is called Plant and animal life cycles. We will learn about how flowering plants produce seeds, if all plants have the same number of stamen and how we grow more plants without using seeds. We will also look at examples of lifecycles and learn about different mammal’s gestation periods.
Our first unit ‘3D Modelling’ enables us to recognise that we can work in three dimensions on a computer. We will plan and create our own 3D models using technology.
The second unit ‘Selection in Quizzes’ gives us the opportunity to explain how selection is used in computer programs. We will through our learning design, create and evaluate a program that uses selection.
Art and Design Technology
Art begins with us learning about Frida Kahlo and analysing some of her work. We will study some of her self portraits and explore how she drew on her cultural background for her artwork. We will learn about ‘surrealism’ in art and how Kahlo painted moments in her life and expressed emotion through her work.
Mechanisms and mechanical toys are the focus in design and technology. We will research mechanisms before designing our very own prototypes. We will evaluate our designs before making the final versions.
Religious Education
In RE our first focus will be on Inspirational people in today's world. We will consider what an inspirational leader is and then begin to research different leaders such as Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Ann Frank and Queen Elizabeth II. We will consider our personal opinions and who inspires us as individuals.
Our second unit gives us the opportunity to identify a religious or non- religious individual who inspires us and justify why. We will recap prior learning about key Christian beliefs and consider why Christians celebrate the birth and death of Jesus. We will find out about the Eucharist and understand the significance of the bread and wine within the service. Our final lessons allow discussion around forgiveness, loving your enemies, salvation and eternal life and to know Christians believe in the Holy Trinity.
Our history unit gives us the opportunity to find out how the Maya ruled in the classic period. We will discover where and when the Maya lived, what made the Maya civilisation so successful, how we know about the Maya and how they were ruled within the first few lessons.
We will then look into how the Maya region was like England leading up to the 10th century. We will compare Anglo Saxon Britain with the Maya City States and compare how each were led. Our final lessons look into the shifting powers that occurred in the Maya and Anglo Saxon regions in the 8th to the 10th centuries.
During the second half term we will learn about biomes and ecosystems in the UK. We will take part in some fieldwork where we will study a local ‘woodland’ ecosystem. We will collect data and present our findings once back in school.
Our RHSE work focuses on Caring and Responsibility which allows us to discuss changing needs and consider the role of volunteering.
No Outsiders - Is based around responses to racist behaviour and Project Evolve is all about 'Online Reputation.'
The second half term focuses on families and committed relationships where we will consider the values of healthy relationships.
No Outsiders - Is to recognise when someone needs help and Project Evolve is about privacy and security. (Passwords.)
PE will be on a Monday and Wednesday. Monday's lesson will be Outdoor and Adventurous activities and Wednesday will be Basketball.
Music this term is based on units named ‘Composing and chords’ and ‘Enjoying music styles.’ This will give us opportunity to appraise, compose, sing and evaluate music.
We are continuing with our new, exciting French scheme this term. Our first unit is called ‘La Phonetique’ and the second unit is called ‘As-tu un animal?’ which is about having pets.
Weekly homework and spellings will always be on Seesaw.
Please can you encourage your child to practise their spellings, complete their homework and read at least 3 times a week in line with our home/school agreement.
Important dates
PE - Monday and Wednesday
Please can children come to school in their PE kit- a plain white or red t-shirt and black joggers or shorts. Please make sure children can remove their own earrings and hair is tied up. A spare set of clothes in a carrier bag when the weather is rainy would be advised.
Every Friday – Reading Record check and homework check.
Every Friday – Spelling test.
Every Friday- Homework is set and the previous week due.
Mrs Cooper / Mrs Brewer will endeavour to be available as the door opens in the morning and at the end of the day. If you need a longer discussion we will arrange an appointment for an appropriate time. If you need to contact Mrs Cooper out of school hours please email on: