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A message to our wonderful year 6 children.

To all our Wonderful Year 6 Children


As today would have been the start of your test

Instead, take a breath and enjoy your rest

You’ve worked really hard and aimed for greater depth

But your work isn’t forgotten, you just took different steps.


As SATs week arrives, it’s not quite the same

Even though the tests were printed, they just never came.

The classroom stands empty - displays still on the wall

But it doesn’t feel the same, not without you all.


Fractions, percentages and times table drills

Inference, retrieval and endless reading skills

The grammar and spelling almost had us in tears

But they were certainly mastered by you over the years.


Don’t worry, the SATs won’t happen this term

But they’re not a true measure of what you actually learn.

Laughing and joking, science and art

Your friends and lunchtime are what’s most of your heart.

We know your true talents and we hold them all dear

Because you have been our family- all of this year.


There are so many things for which you’ve tried your best

But so many more that can’t be defined by a test

Stand tall and remember the people you’ve wowed!

While we sit here at home, quiet and proud.


Year 6, you’ve amazed us in coming so far

So just remember we don’t need a test to show us just how amazing you are!


Love from all at Crescent Primary School

School Awards
