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INSET DAY Friday 14th February, Half Term 17-21 February - Children return to school Monday 24th February

SQUID online payments

Introducing sQuid online payments - Helping our school go cashless!

I would like to update you on an exciting new service that we are about to launch at the school on Monday 21st May, called sQuid.  sQuid is a convenient and secure way for you to pay for your child’s school meals online and also eventually pay for trips and purchase water bottles & book bags etc..

Reducing the amount of debt and cash we have to handle at school is a real benefit to us as it eliminates having to count and bank cash, which is extremely costly. It also benefits the pupils as they will no longer have to carry cash to school with the risk of it getting lost or stolenPlease help us by everyone registering by Friday 17th May.

You will receive a letter with your child’s sQuid registration details
This is a 16-digit registration number and 3-digit security code that you should register on the sQuid website. If you have more than one child at the school, they will each be issued with their own registration number. Simply follow the instructions set out in the letter to create your online sQuid account and register one child. Subsequent children can be added once you have created an account by clicking on users and adding user, you will be prompted to add the 16-digit number and three digit cvv to the fields, then simply give the account the name of your child and click add user, this enables you to see all of your children in one place whether at our school or another school that uses sQuid.  If you already have a Squid account with a child at a secondary school, use that account to add a child at Crescent using the registration number attached.

Once you have created a sQuid account for you child / children you will also be able to manage their account online at any time to:

  • Top up their account from your bank account, credit or debit card
  • Enable Auto top up so that they never run out of funds
  • Check their account balance
  • View their transactions
  • sQuid App can be downloaded and used from any smart phone

Please ‘top up’ your child’s dinner account (purse) ready to start paying for school meals this way from Monday 21st May. This is a 4 day week (INSET on Friday 24th) so the cost will be £9.20.

Once you have registered an account the sQuid customer services are on hand to help, just log into your account and scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the Help tab, click on this for FAQ’S and contact us. We will also use sQuid for payments for Trips and other sales at school so please ensure you still register your child whether they are FSM or UIFSM etc...

We thank you for your anticipated support in using sQuid and reducing the amount of cash and debt for school meals.

School Awards
