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INSET day Friday 18th October - Children return to school on Monday 4th November

Author Visit to SChool

Dear Families,

Thursday 7th March is World Book Day. Your children will have already brought home their free book token so we hope they are able to choose a free book and show these in school on World Book Day.

World Book Day can put us and our families in a tricky situation – some families love the opportunity to create or buy costumes for the children, whereas for others this can become quite problematic. That is why we are again taking the stance that dressing up is completely optional. A pupil bringing in their favourite book is much more important than buying a costume, many of which are very cool but not really anything to do with books and stories! However, this year we are also offering another option which is for pupils to come in COMFY CLOTHES to enjoy books in. Otherwise, normal school uniform is fine!

This year, we are also extremely excited to invite another author into school! We will be joined by Jessica Bowers on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th to work with the children. Her website is if you would like to find out more. You can purchase the books through Squid (3 options of 1,2 or 3 books).


The full letter has been emailed to all parents

School Awards
