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Welcome back to the spring term on Monday 6th January 2025!

Inset day, Summer holiday plans & Foodbank

25th June 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,


Firstly, thank you for your support during the last fourteen weeks. Lockdown has been very tough for everyone, but the unfailing and continuous support from all parents and carers has been amazing and has made running the school in this difficult situation a lot easier. Thank you.


After consultation with our governing bodies and with the local authority, all five schools in our MAC collaboration (Mansfield Area Collaboration) have unanimously decided that we will not be opening our schools over the summer holidays. This is in line with the current government guidance.


The five schools that form the collaboration (Crescent Primary, Farmilo Primary, Northfield Primary, John T Rice Infant and Intake Farm Primary) have all made this same decision which has been approved by each school’s individual governing body and ratified by the Joint Collaboration Committee.


All children will break up on Thursday 23rd July 2020 (Friday 24th July will be an INSET day)

 and return to school on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 (fingers crossed!)


If your child is eligible for free school meals, vouchers will continue to be sent via email throughout the holidays including those who had been having a FSM lunch in school.


Please see attached letter regarding the Crescent Foodbank running 3 times each week up to September and is available to any family in need.


We hope you have an enjoyable summer break. Remember to keep safe following government guidelines as these are continually updated.

School Awards
