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Whole School Photograph day on Wednesday 17th October.



School Photographs Wednesday 17th October 2018


Dear Parents/Carers,


Tempest photography will be taking every child’s photograph in school on Wednesday 17th October.


Each child will have an individual photograph taken during the day, in school time, along with their class. Your child will come home with a proof photo card shortly after photo day. If you do choose to order a package, ordering online is the preferred method. However, the order and correct money can be sent to the school office if this is not possible.


If your child has brothers and sisters in school, we will do our best for them to have a photograph taken together during the school day.


If you have younger children who don’t attend this school and wish for them to be photographed

with their elder sibling(s), please come to the Crescent Centre at 8.15am on the day.


Please send your child in full school uniform looking neat and smart (Crescent Primary logo red sweatshirts or cardigans where possible please). The background is white so all children should be wearing their red sweatshirt or cardigan.


Any queries, don’t hesitate to speak to the office.


Yours sincerely,


Mrs K Blake

School Awards
