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INSET day Friday 18th October - Children return to school on Monday 4th November

Year 3 Trip to Creswell Crags

Dear Parents/ Carers,

As you may know, our topic in the Spring term is all about the Stone Age.  To bring our learning to life, we will be visiting Creswell Crags for a Stone Age day experience.  The children will have the opportunity to explore the caves at Creswell Crags, experience what life was like at this time and create cave art!

All Year 3 will be on the trip together.  We will leave school at 9.00am and return for approximately 3.20pm. The date is as follows:      

Wednesday 28th February 2024

If we are going to be delayed, we will text to let you know, so please have your phones with you and make sure your details are up to date at the office.

Children will need to wear normal uniform.  Part of the day will be outdoors so please ensure your child has sensible footwear and a warm coat.  Please send them with a packed lunch unless you are in receipt of free school meals. Also send them with a drink and snack (no fizzy drinks or sweets please.) There is a gift shop on site that we will have an opportunity to visit if you wish to send your child with spending money (no more than £5).

Please fill in the consent form below and pay your contribution of £13 on Squid - you can this do in one go or by installments through sQuid from now. PAYMENT DUE BY Friday 9th February.

If you are able to help on the trip please let your child’s teacher know.

Thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Cheetham and Mr Matthews

School Awards
